The fifth level. The platform is transparent, meaning that messing up will send you dropping you to your death. Hopping on the rods will help you get to the next level. This is original as you don't jump over the blocks, since they kill you. Instead, you jump from block to block.
HOW TO MAKE: get a base and scale it until you are satisfied, then un-check the box that says "cancolliade". Once you are done, get another another piece and shape it until you are happy. Then copy and paste until you think you have enough
The sixth level is the easiest to do and make. Its is just a set of stairs that lead to the next level. You can add as many stairs as you want. You can also make some stairs that are transparent for more difficulty.
HOW TO MAKE: get a base and scale it until you are happy. Copy it and align it like a stair, keep repeating until you are done. You can do any color you want.
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