Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Making A Roblox Game #5


The eighth level, this is the second last one. After completing the previous level you are greeted with a Lamborghini. The level is very simple, just simply drive the car to the end. There is not much to this level that I can say about, it is just that simple.

How to make: Spawn in a base and place a car from the toolbox. Add another base and scale it until you are satisfied. Add a base at the end to stop the player from dying. Add two more bases on the sides for more support. The bases are optional.

What I learned: How to spawn in a car and how to drive it. I LEARNED HOW TO CREATE A ROBLOX GAME.

I made a few changes to the eighth level. I made the red base wider, I made the track black. A few changes that is it.

The final level. It is very simple, there are 3 corridors. Two are fake and one will take you to the end. The right corridor will take you to the end of the plat former.

HOW TO MAKE: Get  3 ladders and place them accordingly. Get 3 bases and scale it according to the ladder placement. REMEMBER USING ON FULL BASE WILL MEAN ALL OF THEM WILL DROP YOU DOWN.  Copy and paste 4 more bases and rotate them upwards, they should act like dividers between the corridors. Get another base and place it on top as a roof. You can  color the bases differently like how I did. Finally, make 2 corridors transparent by un-checking the box called "cancollide". Add one teleport pad in 1 corridor and the other one wherever you are ending your game. NOTE: SCALE THE BLACK BASE SO WHEN THE PLAYER FALLS THEY WILL ACTUALLY GET DEFEATED, RATHER THAN NOT DYING.


If you guess the right corridor, you are taken to the very end of the game. Good job, you won! You sit on the sofa, or leave the game.

HOW TO MAKE: Get a base and scale it to your choice and color it. Get the other teleport pad and place it on the platform. You can add anything you like, I just decided to add a sign and a couch. You can add cars or just nothing at all.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Making A Roblox Game #4

The seventh level is quite unique. You get to choose your fate in this one, the sign says "make your choice." You can choose to step on the teleport button, which will take you to /<REDACTED>/. Or choose to take the jump pad and go to /<REDACTED>/.

HOW TO MAKE: Get a ladder from the toolbox and place/scale it until you are happy. Get and base and place it on top like in the photo. Get a set of teleport pads and place one on the base, and place the other one wherever you want it to be. get a jump pad from the toolbox and place wherever you want.

WHAT I LEARNED: How to use and spawn in a ladder. I also learned how to use and spawn in a jump pad. And how to use teleport pads.

The eighth level. Just a level where you jump to from brick to brick until you get to the next level. Very easy and quick to make.

HOW TO MAKE: Get a base plate and scale it until you are happy. Keep doing this until you get 4-5 and select them all and then duplicate them. Then adjust them accordingly. Add another another base at the end to start the next level.

PLAN FOR TOMORROW: I'm aiming to complete this next week. I don't have many left to create. I have about 2 levels to create. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Making A Roblox #3


The fifth level. The platform is transparent, meaning that messing up will send you dropping you to your death. Hopping on the rods will help you get to the next level. This is original as you don't jump over the blocks, since they kill you. Instead, you jump from block to block.

HOW TO MAKE: get a base and scale it until you are satisfied, then un-check the box that says "cancolliade". Once you are done, get another another piece and shape it until you are happy. Then copy and paste until you think you have enough

WHAT I LEARNED: Not much, as I know most of the basics. I did learn how to make a set of stairs.

TOMORROW: I'm nearing the end of my paltformer. So I'm going to try to finish it, which is unlikely but possible. 

The sixth level is the easiest to do and make. Its is just a set of stairs that lead to the next level. You can add as many stairs as you want. You can also make some stairs that are transparent for more difficulty.

HOW TO MAKE: get a base and scale it until you are happy. Copy it and align it like a stair, keep repeating until you are done. You can do any color you want.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Making A Roblox Game #2

1. The third level has a bit of a twist. Some of the blocks can kill you, as they are transparent. The transparent blocks are spread out, meaning there is no right answer in doing the level. Just keep copying and pasting until you think you have enough. Then add some fake blocks.

-How to make transparent blocks. And how to make/scale different sized blocks.
-I'm going to make another two levels and try to make them creative and original.

2. The fourth level. There are four rods, 3 of them can kill you by dropping you. Only 1 of them  can carry you to the next set of rods. It is random, so going on the far right rod over and over won't work. You can make more sets by just copying and pasting it. To make it harder, you can add more rods.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Making A Roblox Game #1


1.Start Ground
-Make the platform that players initially spawn on. you can change the color and add a border like I did. You also need to add a spawner otherwise it is useless.
WHAT I LEARNED: Literally everything. I learned how to spawn, scale, move and rotate a base. I learned how to copy and paste a base. I learned how to use a spawner.

TOMORROW: My goal is to make two more levels, that are different from this. 

        2.First level was created. It is a basic jumping puzzle, that leads to the next level. It is a rainbow stair way. It is not difficult to make or to complete.
3. I decided to remove the spawner as it wasn't working properly. I also made some changes to the first level. The next is also easy to make. The level is a vertical/horizontal type. The blocks get slimmer and slimmer to make it harder. Simply just cop and paste the blocks and just move and shape until you're satisfied. Don't make the level impossible to complete.