Friday, December 6, 2019

Desert Skies #2

What did you do today?
I decided to stay more cautious this time around. i made many advancements, I upgraded my Airship and found an Oasis. Which is where I found live and cooked Fish. I also found a dead Seeker in a wagon. and I even found a cave with a lot of new stuff. Like gold, and a iron pick axe.

Image of a Town
Image of The Seeker

Image of Air Ship

    What did you learn?
    When you open something, like a table or chest, press the Space Bar to collect everything at once.

    answer the following with an image
    Image of Mushroom
    • where do you get a stone axe from? - By crafting it in a shop in the first town you discover. it is not very expensive so you should be ABLE TO CRAFT IT.
    •  what items can you eat?
    • Image of Cactus Fruit
      Image of live Fish
      Image of Cooked Can

    Image of Can
    Image of Cooked Fish

    What will you do tomorrow?
    I will try to loot the whole cave and also try to beat the game. And try to upgrade my Airship.

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